
5 Signs You’re Not Working in Your God-Given Calling

As Christian women, we all strive to live in alignment with God’s purpose for our lives. But how do you know if you’re truly walking in your calling?

In Episode 5 of the Burnout to Blessed podcast (listen below), I dive into five key signs that might indicate you’re not fully aligned with your God-given calling.

Recognizing these signs can help you make the necessary changes to live a more fulfilling, purpose-driven life.

5 Signs You’re Not Working in Your God-Given Calling

I want to encourage you to pray for guidance as you evaluate these signs in your own life. God will direct your steps and guide you to fulfill His will for your life. Thank you, Lord, for your good and perfect will! 🙌

1. Lack of Passion and Motivation

A lack of passion and motivation is one of the clearest signs that you’re not walking in your calling. If you wake up every day with a sense of dread instead of excitement for your work, this could be a red flag. Tasks that once brought joy may now feel like a burden. Take time to reflect on your daily activities—are there things that drain your energy? Consider making a list of the activities that bring you joy and compare them to your current job responsibilities.

2. Constant Frustration, Burnout, and Divine Discontent

Another significant sign is the feeling of constant frustration and burnout, often accompanied by “holy discontent.” This isn’t just typical stress; it’s a persistent feeling that something is off, that you’re not where God wants you to be. If you constantly battle these feelings, it might be time to reevaluate your path. Remember, these feelings can be God’s way of nudging you toward a new direction. (This was definitely part of my burnout testimony. You can hear my story here.)

3. Misalignment with Core Values

Your work should reflect your core values. If you find that your job requires you to compromise those values, it’s a strong indication that you’re not in the right place. Creating a core values statement can help guide you in making decisions that align with your beliefs. Reflect on whether your current role allows you to stay true to these values or if it’s leading you away from what’s truly important to you.

4. Lack of Fruitfulness

Jesus said that we would know a tree by its fruit (Matthew 7:16). If you’re not seeing the fruits of your labor, it might be a sign that you’re not in your calling. Feeling that your efforts are in vain can be discouraging, but it’s also a prompt to reassess whether you’re in the right place to bear fruit. Reflect on your accomplishments and consider if your current work allows you to see growth and impact. (Be careful not to give up too soon; sometimes fruitfulness can take time!)

5. Not Using Your God-Given Gifts

Finally, if you’re not using your spiritual gifts and God-given talents, it’s a clear sign you’re not walking in your calling. Your work should provide opportunities to express and develop your talents. If you cannot do this in your current role, it’s time to consider how to better align your work with your gifts.

If you do not know what spiritual gifts you have been blessed with, stay tuned to episode 6! I’m going in-depth into spiritual gifts. So many Christians do not know their gifts!

Ready to Discover Your Calling?

If these signs resonate with you, it might be time to examine your career more closely. I invite you to attend a Live Calling Clarity Workshop on August 22 at 12 noon CST. This workshop will help you uncover your God-given purpose and take the first steps toward aligning your career with God’s plan for your life.

Register here for the Live Calling Clarity Workshop and start your journey toward a purpose-driven career today!

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